Crappie Tubes
Our crappie tubes are 1 1/2 inches long. We currently offer these in 16 different color combinations. These tubes we sell for $6 per 100 and $3 shipping. Basically $9 per 100. But if you want to purchase 100 of another color, we don't think it is right to sell them all at $9 per 100. This is why we only charge you $3 shipping for the first 100 ordered, after that, free shipping no matter how many you purchase. Provided they are all shipped at the same time to the same address.
The issue we are having with the add to cart buttons is they only allow for 10 separate colors to be listed. So currently if you purchase from the top button and then from the bottom button, you will be charged shipping one time only for each button. So $6 shipping. If this happens we will refund you the $3 overcharge on your shipping. We are working with our software vendor to correct this issue. Thank you.
A nice morning on Brookville Reservoir.